Handmade Art Anthro Furry Fantasy Dolls and Sculptures
Hauptseite » 2016 » April » 5 » A new series of dolls "River dolls"
A new series of dolls "River dolls"

   A new series of dolls "River dolls" World of dolls Anthrogon.

   The series includes mermaid and fishes dolls.

series of dolls "River dolls" World of dolls Anthrogon.

   Deep in the Gothic Forest the river flows, in the part of the river where there is quiet pool. If silently sneak up in this place of the river and hide, at midnight you can see how from under the dark water come back up to the surface beauties mermaids. And almost inaudible, rustling fish scales on their tails creep on uneven shore. And if you sneak up even closer you can hear about what they were talking among themselves. Only need to be very careful, mermaids are very shy creatures. 

   It turns out they have beautiful melodious voice!

   Two mermaids are closest to us - are sisters. One is an older darker (Charadina), greener second youngest (Katrina). 

   Mermaid doll Charadina

   Mermaid doll Katrina

   Junior does not seem so timid as the others. She tells her sister, that old cancer (Obnikus) told her, confidence, about river. The river carries its dark waters through the gothic forest and flows through the streets of the old Gothic town. On the opposite shore stretched a Dark Circus. Cancer said, that once he saw the groom's older sister, who disappeared a few years ago. He spends his time entertaining the motley crowd in this circus. Oh really, this fragile young mermaid wants to persuade the older sister to look for her boyfriend?

   Their voice has become very similar to the lapping of the water and was unheard of, and it is a pity ...

Each doll is part of a small invented stories!

  Fish - girlfriends river mermaids and their faithful helpers. When they learned about the plan to liberate the mermaid Charadina's groom, they decided to help. Their task was to quickly call for help of  the King of the forest river Odinus with his army if something goes wrong. 

 Aquamarine fish

Aquamarine fish doll World of dolls Anthrogon

   Green fish

Dolls of the new series "River dolls" will soon be available in my Etsy Shop "Zlata's Fantasy Forest"



Aufrufe: 1464 | HinzugefĆ¼gt von: Zlata | Tags: Gothic town, fishes dolls, Gothic Forest, Charadina, River dolls, KatRina, world of dolls Anthrogon, mermaid dolls, Dark Circus | Bewertung: 0.0/0
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