Handmade Art Anthro Furry Fantasy Dolls and Sculptures
Hauptseite » 2016 » January » 13 » Red Fire Dragon
Red Fire Dragon

In a world of my dolls "Anthrogon" red dragons live in a special place, "Valley of the Volcanoes".
You can see where the "Valley of the Volcanoes" on the map.

This type of dragon is the most dangerous. They are not for nothing called the fire because they can spew fire from its mouth. And the dragons themselves are very hot, and all what they touch instantly erupts. Here is fiery dragons.

Aufrufe: 1362 | HinzugefĆ¼gt von: Zlata | Tags: dragon art, handmade dragon, fire dragon, Red Dragon, dragon sculpture, Dragons | Bewertung: 0.0/0
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