Handmade Art Anthro Furry Fantasy Dolls and Sculptures
Hauptseite » 2021 » August » 21 » Dr. Benjamin Crow waiting for resettlement!
Dr. Benjamin Crow waiting for resettlement!

Dr. Benjamin Crow Anthropomorphic Unique Handmade Furry Art Doll OOAK waiting for resettlement!

Approximately 12,6 inch (32cm) tall standing.

100% Hand made!

Dr. Benjamin Crow Anthropomorphic Unique Handmade Furry Art image 6
! The head, feet are hardened clay and could be damaged if mishandled or dropped on the floor !
Dr. Benjamin Crow Anthropomorphic Unique Handmade Furry Art image 3
- A mobile collectible toy
- Glass eyes
- I make Polymer Clay parts thoroughly.
- I use fake fur from Germany, which is used for creating professional stuffed toys.
- Movable paws are made using threads with buttons.
- The pattern i build their own.
- The toy is made of artificial fur and natural velvet.
- Filled with tiny clumps fabric.
- Painted in acrylic parts (such as nails, noses) i fixed with varnish
- The costume is sewn according to a special pattern of woolen fabric.

Aufrufe: 627 | Hinzugefügt von: Zlata | Tags: art toy, animal art doll, art doll, furry toy, handmadecrow, авторская кукла ручной работы, Furry doll, zlatas fantasy dolls, handmade toy, anthropomorphic, crow toy, furry, Creation, collectible | Bewertung: 0.0/0
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