Handmade Art Anthro Furry Fantasy Dolls and Sculptures
Hauptseite » 2020 » February » 10 » Art BJD Furry Crow
Art BJD Furry Crow

Fantasy Art BJD Crow is a one of a kind original piece of artwork.

The doll is made of high quality plastic.
The surface of plastic parts is covered with flock according to the author's technique. All shiny elements are part of the doll.
The wings and tail are made of fabric, they have a wire frame, so they can easily be given the desired look.
Details of the doll are collected on black elastic.

Crow Height 20 cm ( 7,87 inch).

Instruction for handlingl:
- Do not stain the doll.
- Do not wet with water.
- Rotate the parts carefully.
- Do not drop the doll. If this nevertheless happened and a part of element flew off, then you need to glue it only on UV glue.


Aufrufe: 660 | HinzugefĆ¼gt von: Zlata | Tags: art dolls, Collectible BJD Furry Crow buy it n, Crow poseable doll, animal art dolls, Zlata's fantasy dolls, Collectible BJD Furry Crow, OOAK BJD Furry Crow, world of dolls Anthrogon, Crow, BJD Furry Crow toy, Animals bjd, BJD doll, BJD Furry Crow, handmade BJD Furry Crow | Bewertung: 0.0/0
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